The Believer faction gains +1 mineral from the Psych Chaplain specialist.ġ5. Espionage missions against University bases are 25% cheaper.ġ4. The Morganite faction gets 20% more War Weariness.ġ3. Submarine-type units can acquire the Storage Bay special ability.ġ2. Submarines and Carriers can besides air units carry 'people' such as Probe Teams.ġ1. The submarine unit can upgrade to the Carrier and has a cargo hold of one.ġ0. Isle of the Deep can only carry Mind Worms and Spore Launchers.ĩ. The Blink Displacer special ability allows a unit to ignore building defense (perimeter defense & tachyon field). Aquaformers can be airlifted to any sea or coastal base. Naval units can now be transported to sea and coastal bases with Psi/Dimensional Gates as well. InVitro, Cyborg and Walker don't cause war weariness. Drop Trooper unit graphics by GarretSidzaka and The_Coyote.Ĥ. Fungal Tower unit animations by Lord Tirian.ģ. New Farm->Eden improvement graphics by Lord Tirian.Ģ. This patch breaks savegames from any previous version or patch of Planetfall.ġ.
Make sure you have downloaded and installed it too. This patch makes Planetfall compatible with the recently released official patch 3.19 for BtS. This patch needs to be applied on top of the main v10 file of Planetfall. I hereby announce the release of Patch 10b for Planetfall, the Alpha Centauri total conversion mod for Civ4 BtS.